
scoremind -- a graphical calendar and mail reminder

Command syntax


Desktop syntax

Double-click on the Reminder icon in the Accessories window.


The scoremind program configures visual and musical reminders for calendar events and incoming mail.

To stop the scoremind daemon, re-invoke it and click on the Stop It button.

The following scoremind configuration options are available:


Select/deselect reminders for impending calendar events. The default is On.

Select/deselect reminders for the following types of mail messages: All, Urgent, Personal, and Private.


To change the Welcome, Mail, and Calendar reminder music, click on the Choose button, then highlight the desired tune. To preview the tune, click on the Play/Stop button.

To stop reminder music, select the tune ``Silence'' from the list.


You can customize some characteristics of scoremind by editing your X resource file; this file contains user preferences for all of the X clients. If the file does not already exist, create it with the full pathname:


where $HOME represents your home directory and hostname is the name of the machine.



See also

scocal(XC), scomail(XC), scosession(XC).
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005