
scoedit -- graphical editor

Command syntax

scoedit [-r] filename

Desktop syntax

Double-click on the Edit icon and select New or Open from the Edit menu.

Or drop a file icon on the Edit icon or in the open Edit window.

Or double-click on a file icon.


The default editor, scoedit can be used to create, edit, and save files.

The toolbar, just below the menu bar, provides quick access to these frequently used menu items (from left to right): Open, Save, Include, Find, Print.

To attach a different editor to the Edit icon, set the EDITOR environment variable to the name of the desired editor. For example, this line in your .profile or .cshrc file would change the default editor to vi:


NOTE: If you are using Korn shell (ksh), the EDITOR variable also determines the command-line editor. See the ksh(C) manual page for more details.

Command options

These options can be used when scoedit is invoked from the command line:

starts scoedit in read-only mode.

specifies the file to edit. If you do not give the full pathname, scoedit looks for the file in the current directory.


You can customize the characteristics of scoedit using your personal X resource file, $HOME/.Xdefaults-hostname, where hostname is the name of the machine on which the client is running. If this file does not exist in your home directory, you will need to create it. Changes made to this file take effect the next time you run scoedit.

The class name for scoedit is ScoEdit. scoedit understands all of the core resource names and classes.



See also

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005