
VtQuestionDialog -- create message dialog containing question icon, return widget name


VtQuestionDialog widgetName [options]


Creates a Message Dialog which has a question icon in it. (All the Dialog options are available to set up the dialog box.) Returns the widget name.

This dialog box comes up with the default pushbuttons OK, Cancel and Help. To override the default buttons, -ok, -cancel, and -help can be used to specify which buttons go in the dialog. If any one of these options is used then it is assumed that only buttons which have been individually specified or referenced via either a label or a callback option will be put in the dialog.

If the user chooses either the OK or Cancel button, the dialog is automatically popped down and destroyed. To override this default, -autoHide and -autoDestroy options can be used.

For example:

set msg [VtQuestionDialog $but.msg -message "What?"]
VtShow $msg


-message string (CSG)
Sets the text of the message. Use ``\n'' to separate lines.

Return values

If VtQuestionDialog fails, it returns one of the following error messages:

named widget button does not exist

Standard errors
See ``Tcl widget creation errors'' in Developing Visual Tcl applications.

02 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005