
OFReturnBmipResponse -- send BMIP response


#include <scoAdmin/osaStdDef.h>

void OFReturnBmipResponse(errStatusPtr, handleId, bmipResponsePtr, continueFlag)


This routine sends a BMIP response message back to the client that called the OSA through the SCOadmin services library. It will be used to return the responses returned from invocations of OFEvaluateOperation(S_ADM), or OFComposeBmipResponseError(S_ADM). OFReturnBmipResponse frees the space used by the BMIP response, and the space allocated to the errorParameter, if it was not set to NULL.


errStatus_cl *errStatusPtr
A pointer to the error stack data structure. If an error occurs in retrieving the data, the appropriate error will be placed in the error stack. This data can be referenced using the library functions associated with the error stack.

int handleId
This is the handle with which the Server API stores extra information about the current BMIP request. This is passed to the request processor, or it can be generated with the OFGenerateHandleId() function.

bmipResponse_pt bmipResponsePtr
This is the BMIP response structure forwarded by the ofEvaluateOperation routine. A pointer to the structure representing the current BMIP response.

bool_t continueFlag
This is set to TRUE only if this request to the OFReturnBmipResponse is not the last one associated with the given sessionId. If there is only one response, or the last response is to be forwarded to these routines, then this flag should be set to FALSE.

Error messages

The handleId named does not correspond to an existing class in the Server APIs internal lookup table.


ObjectRequestProcessor(errStatus_cl       *errStatusPtr,
                       int                 handleId,
                       bmipRequest_pt      bmipRequestPtr,
                       void               *osaDataPtr)
        bmipResponse_t *bmipResponsePtr;
        bmipResponsePtr = OFEvaluateOperation(errStatusPtr,

See also

OFEvaluateFilter(S_ADM), OFEvaluateOperation(S_ADM).
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005