
ipx_tune.h -- IPX configuration file


/etc/conf/pack.d/ipx/ipx_tune.h contains parameters that configure the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol.

The following parameters may be used to tune the performance of IPX/SPX:

Specifies how many sockets can be used simultaneously by IPX only.

The default is 100.

Specifies how many sockets can be used simultaneously by SPX only. The SPX_MAX_SOCKETS value should be greater than SPX_MAX_CONNECTIONS in the /etc/conf/pack.d/spx/spx_tune.h file, since each connection needs more than one socket.

The default is 50.

Specifies the maximum number of outstanding connection requests allowed per SPX endpoint.

The default is 10.

After changing any parameters, you must rebuild the kernel and relink the system. Select Relink Kernel in the Hardware/Kernel Manager. You must then reboot your system before the changes to the kernel take effect.



See also

ipx(PADM), spx_tune.h(SFF)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005