
hosts.lpd -- lists of trusted hosts


The /etc/hosts.lpd file is used to determine RLP user access from remote hosts to the local system on which this file resides. Only those hosts specified in this file are allowed to send print jobs to the local system to which the printer is connected.

The /etc/hosts.lpd file takes one hostname entry per line. The format of the hostname entry is the same as that specified in the /etc/hosts.equiv file, but without the user portion.

For example, to give two remote hosts named thinktank1.domain_name and thinktank2.domain_name RLP access to the local system via the /etc/hosts.lpd file, the entry in this file on the local system will be:




See also

hosts.equiv(SFF), lpd(ADMN), rlpconf(ADMN)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005