
NPSConfig -- SAP, NVT, and LAN configuration file


/etc/ipx.d/NPSConfig contains parameters to specify information for the Service Advertising Protocol SAP and the Novell Virtual Terminal NVT protocol. It also contains LAN configuration information. It is read by npsd(PADM), nvtd(PADM), and sapd(PADM) for their initial values.

The following parameters specify configuration information for NVT and SAP.

Specifies whether npsd(PADM), the architecture daemon, should activate SPX. Possible values are active or inactive.

The default is active.

Specifies whether npsd should start the NVT daemon, nvtd. Possible values are active or inactive.

The default is active.

Specifies whether npsd should start the SAP daemon, sapd. Possible values are active or inactive.

The default is active.

Specifies whether npsd, the architecture daemon, should enable xecho request handling. Possible values are active or inactive.

The default is active.

Specifies the maximum number of available NVT client connections. This number cannot exceed the value of the NVT_MAX_LOGINS parameter in nvt_tune.h.

The IPX/SPX installation procedure prompts for this value.

Specifies the file from which the NVT daemon prints user login banners. If no banner is desired, simply remove or move the indicated file, or set this field to reference a non-existent file. Do not leave the filename blank.

The default is /etc/issue.

Specifies the socket number used by the XECHOD protocol.

The default is 0002.

Specifies the SAP standard error device. Error messages from the SAP daemon are printed to this output file or device.

The default is /etc/ipx.d/sap.error.

Specifies the delay (in seconds) that the SAP daemon should wait before responding to a Nearest Server Request. The Network Configuration Manager prompts for a value for this parameter during configuration of IPX/SPX.

The correct value for this parameter depends on the network topology, the hardware configuration, and the average load on the IPX/SPX application server. If this value is set too high, a service request may time-out before the response has even been sent out.

Specifies whether track(PADM) should be active on startup. Possible values are active or inactive.

The default is inactive.

Specifies the SAP daemon output file or device. If sap_track_on is active, messages from track are printed to this file or device.

The default is /dev/console.

Specifies whether or not to output server information to a set of files so that SCO Gateway for NetWare can track changes to available NetWare servers. Possible values are active or inactive.

The default is inactive if SCO Gateway for NetWare is not configured. Configuring SCO Gateway for NetWare will cause this variable to be set to active.

NOTE: SCO Gateway for NetWare will not function if this variable is inactive.

Specifies the priority of the SAPD process. Priorities are based on a scale of 1 to 40, with 1 being the greatest priority. Be careful not to set the priority too low as some features of the operating system (for example, signal processing) will falter at low priorities.

The default is 15.

Specifies the internal network number of the IPX/SPX server. For more information, see UNRESOLVED XREF-0.

The Network Configuration Manager prompts for a value for this parameter during configuration of IPX/SPX.

The following parameters specify configuration information for each network segment routed through the server. They are repeated for each LAN on the network.

Note that an SCO IPX/SPX system with more than one networking card linked to IPX/SPX will automatically act as a router, connecting the uniquely numbered network segments (LANs) associated with each card.

Furthermore, since a router is a network layer device, the network segments need not have the same framing type; the type of the network segments does not affect router operation.

Specifies the device driver to use for this LAN.

Specifies the network number of this LAN.

The Network Configuration Manager prompts for a value for this parameter during configuration of IPX/SPX.

Specifies the type of framing performed by the network adapter driver on this LAN.

The Network Configuration Manager prompts for a value for this parameter during configuration of IPX/SPX.

Specifies the SAP to which IPX/SPX binds.

Specifies the value of the SSAP and DSAP fields in the IEEE 802.2 headers.

The Network Configuration Manager sets this parameter based on the value supplied for lan_1_framing_type. Note that when using the SCO DLPI layer, this value should be the same as that of lan_1_bind_sap.

Specifies whether MAC packets should be built with IEEE 802.2 headers by the IPX driver.

The Network Configuration Manager sets this parameter based on the value supplied for lan_1_framing_type. Possible values are active or inactive. Note that, by default, the SCO DLPI layer provides 802.2 headers; this value should always be inactive when using SCO DLPI.

Specifies if any additional packet processing is required. Possible values are PAD and NONE. PAD specifies that packets should be padded to the minimum MAC packet size of 64 bytes. NONE specifies that no packet processing should occur.

The Network Configuration Manager sets this parameter based on the value supplied for lan_1_framing_type. It is set to PAD only for Ethernet II framing.

After changing any parameters, you must rebuild the kernel and relink the system. Select Relink Kernel in the Hardware/Kernel Manager. You must then reboot your system before the changes to the kernel take effect.



See also

npsd(PADM), nvtd(PADM), sapd(PADM), track(PADM)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005