
exports -- directories to export to NFS clients


directory [ -option[, option ]] ...


The /etc/exports file contains entries for directories that can be exported to NFS clients. This file is read automatically by the exportfs(NADM) command. If you change this file, you must run exportfs(NADM) for the changes to affect the mount daemon's operation.

Only when this file is present at boot time does the NFS startup script execute exportfs(NADM) and start the NFS file-system daemon, nfsd(NADM), and the mount daemon, mountd(NADM).

The /etc/xtab file contains entries for directories that are currently exported. This file should not be modified by users. (Use the -u option of exportfs to remove entries from this file.)

An entry for a directory consists of a line with the form shown in the ``Format'' section where:

is the pathname of a directory (or file)

is one of the following:

export the directory read-only. If not specified, the directory is exported read-write.

export the directory read-mostly. Read-mostly means read-only to most machines, but read-write to those specified. If not specified, the directory is exported read-write to all.

If a request comes from an unknown user, use uid as the effective user ID.

NOTE: root users (uid 0) are always considered unknown by the NFS server, unless they are included in the root option below. The default value for this option is -2. Setting anon to -1 disables anonymous access.

By default NFS will accept insecure requests as anonymous, and those wishing for extra security can disable this feature by setting anon to -1.

give root access only to the root users from a specified hostname. The default is for no hosts to be granted root access.

give mount access to each client listed. A client can either be a host name, or a net group (see netgroup(NF)). Each client in the list is first checked for in the netgroup database, and then the host's database. The default value allows any machine to mount the given directory.

A ``#'' (pound-sign) anywhere in the file indicates a comment that extends to the end of the line.


   /usr       -access=clients              #export to my clients
   /usr/local                              #export to the world
   /usr2      -access=hermes:zip:tutorial  #export to only these machines
   /usr/sun   -root=hermes:zip             #give root access only to these
   /usr/new   -anon=0                      #give all machines root access
   /usr/bin   -ro                          #export read-only to everyone
   /usr/stuff -access=zip,anon=-3,ro       #several options on one line


You cannot export either a parent directory or a subdirectory of an exported directory that is within the same filesystem. It would be illegal, for instance, to export both /usr and /usr/local if both directories resided on the same disk partition.


static export information

current state of exported directories

See also

exportfs(NADM), mountd(NADM), netgroup(NF)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005