
undocumented -- programs not documented elsewhere in these manuals


Several programs distributed with SCO OpenServer are not fully documented. In general, these programs fall into two categories: programs retained to provide compatibility with earlier versions of SCO OpenServer, and programs intended for execution by other programs, which are rarely of interest to the end user.

This page lists undocumented programs, together with brief notes on their functionality and relevance. Note that this list is likely to change with future releases of SCO OpenServer. We strongly recommend that you make no attempt to use or remove programs on this list; doing so may interfere with the functionality of other programs.

Undocumented but useful programs are as follows:

Shell script occasionally run by the root crontab file to clean up log files.

Macro equation checker.

Used by the print service; displays lp(C) options specific to the IBM ProPrinter.

Link to /bin/true.

Link to /bin/true.

Used by installpkg(ADM), displaypkg(ADM), and removepkg(ADM).

Lists the drive model number of the (obsolete) Intel tape drive.

Used by backup(ADM).

Provided for mscreen(M) support.


Utilities marked with an asterisk are unsupported and are included in the operating system because they are part of the base distribution:

/etc/_fst _fst*
/usr/bin/checkeq checkeq
/etc/ckbupscd ckbupscd*
/etc/cleanup cleanup
/usr/bin/dsconfig dsconfig*
/usr/lib/emactovi emactovi*
/usr/bin/fixshlib fixshlib*
/etc/frec frec*
/etc/fsanck fsanck*
/etc/fsba fsba*
/usr/bin/ibmlpopt ibmlpopt
/usr/bin/inipcrm inipcrm*
/usr/bin/menu_add menu_add
/usr/bin/menu_del menu_del
/usr/bin/message message
/usr/bin/mlist mlist*
/bin/mt mt
/usr/bin/newmail newmail*
/usr/bin/pwdmenu pwdmenu
/etc/rstab rstab*
/usr/bin/update update*
/etc/utmp_getty utmp_getty

 /etc/_fst           _fst*
 /usr/bin/checkeq    checkeq
 /etc/ckbupscd       ckbupscd*
 /etc/cleanup        cleanup
 /usr/bin/dsconfig   dsconfig*
 /usr/lib/emactovi   emactovi*
 /usr/bin/fixshlib   fixshlib*
 /etc/frec           frec*
 /etc/fsanck         fsanck*
 /etc/fsba           fsba*
 /usr/bin/ibmlpopt   ibmlpopt
 /usr/bin/inipcrm    inipcrm*
 /usr/bin/menu_add   menu_add
 /usr/bin/menu_del   menu_del
 /usr/bin/message    message
 /usr/bin/mlist      mlist*
 /bin/mt             mt
 /usr/bin/newmail    newmail*
 /usr/bin/pwdmenu    pwdmenu
 /etc/rstab          rstab*
 /usr/bin/update     update*
 /etc/utmp_getty     utmp_getty

See also

Intro(ADM), Intro(C), Intro(F), Intro(HW), Intro(M)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005