
multiscreen -- multiple screens (device files)







With the multiscreen feature, a user can access up to twelve different ``screens,'' each corresponding to a separate device file. Each screen can be viewed one at a time through the primary monitor video display.

The number of screens on a system depends upon the amount of memory in the computer. The system displays the number of enabled screens during the boot process.


To see the next consecutive screen, enter:


To move to any screen from any other screen, enter:

<Alt><Fn> or <Alt><Ctrl><Fn> or
<Alt><Fn> or <Alt><Ctrl><Fn> (screens 1-12)
<Alt><Shift><Fn> or <Alt><Ctrl><Shift><Fn> (screens 11-16, 7-12)

where n is the number of one of the ``F'' function keys on the primary monitor keyboard. For example:


selects tty02, and all output in that device's screen buffer is displayed on the monitor screen.

The second form (using the <Shift> key) permits access to screens 11 and 12 on keyboards that have only ten function keys.

Although fourteen screens are configured into the kernel by default, only the first twelve have entries in inittab(F). (The additional entries can be configured and enabled manually.)

The function key combinations used to display the various screens are defined in the keyboard mapping file. The /usr/lib/keyboard/keys or other mapkey(M) file can be modified to allow different key combinations to change multiscreens. Use the mapkey utility to create a new keyboard map.


Any system error messages are normally output on the console device file (/dev/console). When an error message is output, the video display reverts to the console device file, and the message is displayed on the screen. The console device is the only teletype device open during the system boot sequence and when in single-user, or system maintenance mode.


Limitations to the number of multiscreens available on a system does not affect the number of serial lines or devices available. See serial(M) for information on available serial devices.

Note that the keystrokes given here are the default, but your keyboard may be different. If so, see keyboard(M) for the appropriate substitutes. Also, any key can be programmed to generate the screen switching sequences by using the mapkey utility.


multiscreen devices

See also

mapkey(M), keyboard(HW), screen(HW), serial(HW), stty(C)

Standards conformance

multiscreen is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2007 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 05 June 2007