
jagent -- host control of windowing terminal


#include <sys/jioctl.h>

ioctl (cntlfd, JAGENT, &arg)
int cntlfd
struct bagent arg


The ioctl(S) system call, when performed on an xt(HW) device with the JAGENT request, allows a host program to send information to a windowing terminal.

ioctl has three arguments:

the xt control channel file descriptor

the xt ioctl request to invoke a windowing terminal agent routine.

the address of a bagent structure, defined in <sys/jioctl.h> as follows:
struct	bagent {
  long  size;  /* size of src in & dest out */
  char  *src;  /* the source byte string */
  char  *dest; /* the destination byte string */
The src pointer must be initialized to point to a byte string which is sent to the windowing terminal. See layers(M) for a list of JAGENT strings recognized by windowing terminals. Likewise, the dest pointer must be initialized to the address of a buffer to receive a byte string returned by the terminal. When ioctl is called, the size argument must be set to the length of the src string. Upon return, size is set by ioctl to the length of the destination byte string, dest.

Return values

Upon successful completion, the size of the destination byte string is returned. If an error occurs, -1 is returned.

See also

ioctl(S), layers(M), libwindows(S), xt(HW)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005