
isverify -- verify ISAM database records


isverify [ -Iilpyn ] tablelist


isverify detects and, if specified, repairs inconsistencies between ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) data (.dat) files and index (.idx) files. The isverify utility checks that every valid record in the data file is properly represented in the index file; it also checks that every index entry points to a valid data record.

tablelist is the list of tables to be checked by isverify. The .dat and .idx suffixes should not be included in the tablelist.

You can specify any of the following flags when invoking isverify:

after a system restore, an ISAM application can fail with the message:
Error: Incorrect SCO Runtime System installed
You can correct this situation by logging in as root and invoking isverify -I.

check only the index file (as opposed to checking both the index and the data files) for consistency. Use this option as a quick check if you think the data files are probably not corrupted.

prints a long listing of the information for each defined key (index), along with the associated data record pointer. The key value for each data record is displayed by key part, along with the byte position of the data record in the data file. This information is useful only if you understand the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM).

pauses after displaying information about each index. If you select this option, you must press the <Bksp> key before the isverify process continues.

causes isverify to assume a ``yes'' answer to each error state and to attempt to make the specified correction. It is recommended that you use this flag so that the isverify utility attempts to correct any discrepancies automatically.

causes isverify to assume a ``no'' answer to each error state and to leave the files unchanged. It also allows you see where errors are by displaying them on the screen.

Whether or not you use isverify with the -l or -p flags, if an error is detected, you have the option of making a correction or leaving the files unchanged. If no errors are detected, no response is required. If you choose to make a correction, isverify attempts to repair the files. Unless the -y or -n flags are specified on the command line, you must choose interactively whether or not to make each correction.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005