
mc01 -- Storage Device Interface (SDI) medium changer target driver


The mc01 medium changer target driver is the device-level driver for Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) medium changers. SCSI Medium Changers mechanize the movement of media to and from primary devices (such as disk or tape drives) and other locations within the medium changer (magazines).

The mccntl(ADM) command provides command-line access to the mc01 target driver. This command allows the user to load, unload, position, initialize device status, and display the current device status.

The special device files in the /dev/mc directory are used to access the medium changers attached to the system. Two names are provided for each medium changer attached to the system. The special device files have the form:


is the number, starting with 1, of the associated medium changer. There is one special file of this form for each medium changer attached to the system.


is the occurrence of the host adapter board in the system (that is, card number)

is the bus number

is the target controller number

is the logical unit number of the medium changer

mc01 device nodes

The device nodes in the /dev/mc directory provide access to SCSI medium changers attached and recognized by the system:


Controller Number

SCSI Bus Number

SCSI Target ID

SCSI Logical Unit Number


The changer number. The changers are numbered sequentially starting at 1 as they are found by the system.


The following set of ioctls is provided for compatibility with SCO Open Server Release 5.0.7. There is no need to recompile applications using these ioctls. The binary can simplied be installed on SCO Open Server Release 6.0.0 and it will work correctly.

The following ioctl(S) commands, defined in /usr/include/sys/mc01.h, can be used to control a media changer (the argument arg to ioctl is set to 0 unless otherwise indicated):

Return the details of the media changer's internal elements in the struct Sjk_address pointed to by arg.

Move a data medium (tape, CD) from a source storage element to a destination storage element. The argument arg is coded as:
   (source << 16) | destination
where source and destination are of type unsigned short.

Disable the front panel controls of the media changer.

Enable the front panel controls of the media changer.

Position medium transport element ``mt0'' in front of storage element ``stN'', where N is the value of arg of type unsigned int.

Perform a hardware reset on the media changer.


The following Medium Changer special files are provided for SCO Open Server Release 6.0.0. In the following table, 'C' is the controller number of the Host Adapter that the Medium Changer drive is attached to, 'B' is the bus or channel number that the Medium Changer drive is attached to, 'T' is the target ID of the Medium Changer drive and 'L' is the logical unit number of the Medium Changer drive. Also, 'U' is the Medium Changer drive's number in the system, starting at 0 ( zero ). For example, the first Medium Changer drive in the system could be referenced as /dev/mc/mc0

Character Special File


 Character Special File


ioctl(S), juke(ADM), mccntl(ADM), sdi(HW)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005