
disk -- disk device file


The disk device special files follow the naming conventions documented below. In the following table: 'C' is the controller number of the Host Bus Adapter (HBA) to which the disk drive is attached, 'B' is the bus or channel number to which the disk drive is attached, 'T' is the target ID of the disk drive, 'L' is the logical unit number of the disk drive, and 'S' is the slice or division of the disk partition to access.

Block Special File Character Special File Partition Division

/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLsS /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLsS Active S
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp1sS /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp1sS 1 S
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp2sS /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp2sS 2 S
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS 3 S
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS 4 S

 Block Special File        Character Special File     Partition   Division
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLsS       /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLsS        Active        S
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp1sS     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp1sS         1          S
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp2sS     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp2sS         2          S
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS         3          S
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp3sS         4          S

Block Special File Character Special File Partition Opens

/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp0 /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp0 N/A Entire Disk
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp1 /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp1 1 Entire Partition
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp2 /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp2 2 Entire Partition
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp3 /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp3 3 Entire Partition
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp4 /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp4 4 Entire Partition
/dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLpa /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLpa Active Entire Partition

 Block Special File      Character Special File     Partition   Opens
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp0     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp0          N/A      Entire Disk
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp1     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp1           1       Entire Partition
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp2     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp2           2       Entire Partition
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp3     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp3           3       Entire Partition
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLp4     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLp4           4       Entire Partition
 /dev/dsk/cCbBtTdLpa     /dev/rdsk/cCbBtTdLpa        Active     Entire Partition


fdisk(ADM), sdi(HW)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005