
purge -- policy file of the sanitization utility purge


file type [count]


purge is an ASCII file whose lines each designate a file, filesystem, or device to be a member of a type. The command purge -t type would overwrite all the members of type.

Each entry in purge specifies a file that is a member of type. Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' are ignored.

The optional field count is the number of times to overwrite file when it is purged. The default value of count is one.

The two types system and user are hardwired into the purge utility. These types can be overwritten with the -s and -u switches to purge respectively.

This file should be configured on site to reflect files and devices that are sensitive and need to be protected from unauthorized access.

The initial contents of the file are:

   /tmp		system
   /u		user
   /user		user
Note that /usr is not included in the file as it is system-related.


full pathname of purge

See also


Standards conformance

purge is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005