
maxuuscheds -- UUCP uusched(ADM) limit file


The Maxuuscheds (/usr/lib/uucp/Maxuuscheds) file contains a numeric string to limit the number of simultaneous uusched programs running. Each uusched running will have one uucico associated with it; limiting the number will directly affect the load on the system. The limit should be less than the number of outgoing lines used by UUCP (a smaller number is often desirable). This file is delivered with a default entry of 2: this may be changed to meet the needs of the local system. However, keep in mind that the load on the system increases with the number of uusched programs running.

See also

uucico(ADM), uucp(C), uusched(ADM), uux(C), uuxqt(ADM)
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