
files -- file control database


See authcap(F)


The file control database (/etc/auth/system/files) assists the system administrator in maintaining the integrity of the system. The database contains entries for system data files and executable files that require certain attributes to provide protection against unauthorized access, or to perform their intended function.

The file control database is consulted by programs such as integrity and fixmog. Trusted programs use the database to ensure that the attributes of created files are set correctly.

The following attributes can be specified:

Specifies the group name for the entry. If a group name is not specified for an entry when the file is created, the group of the file will become the real group ID of the process creating the file.

Specifies the mode for the entry. If the mode is not specified when the file is created, a mode of 0 is assigned to the new file.

Specifies the owner name for the entry. If an owner name is not specified for an entry when the file is created, the owner of the file will become the real user ID of the process creating the file.

Identifies the type of the file. The following type values are defined:

regular file


character special device

block special device


The following is an example of a file control database entry:
This entry specifies that the owner of the passwd program is bin, that its group is auth, that it is a regular file, and that its mode is 02111.


file control database

See also

authcap(F), fixmog(ADM), getprfient(S), integrity(ADM)

Standards conformance

files is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005