
depend -- software dependencies files


depend is an ASCII file used to specify information concerning software dependencies for a particular package. The file is created by a software developer.

Each entry in the depend file describes a single software package. The instance of the package is described after the entry line by giving the package architecture and/or version. The format of each entry and subsequent instance definition is:

   type pkg name

The fields are:

Defines the dependency type. This must be one of the following:

Indicates a prerequisite for installation, for example, the referenced package or versions must be installed.

Implies that the existence of the indicated package or version is incompatible. See also the X tag.

Implies that the existence of the indicated package or version is incompatible. This tag should be used instead of the I tag.

Indicates a reverse dependency. Instead of defining the package's own dependencies, this designates that another package depends on this one. This type should be used only when an old package does not have a depend file but it relies on the newer package nonetheless. Therefore, the present package should not be removed if the designated old package is still on the system since, if it is removed, the old package will no longer work.

Indicates a superceding dependency. It should be used when an earlier package has been superceded by the current package.

Indicates the package abbreviation.

Specifies the full package name.

Differences between versions

For SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.5a and later releases, this file is identical to the UnixWare 7 command of the same name. For earlier SCO OpenServer releases, two optional fields are supported, so the format is:
   type pkg name
   	[(arch)] [version]
These fields specify a particular instance of the software. version cannot begin with a left parenthesis. Both the arch and version specifications are completely optional but, if used, must each begin on a new line that begins with white space. A null version set equates to any version of the indicated package.


Here is a sample depend file (for the NFS package):
   P  base		Base System
   P  nsu		Networking Support Utilities
   P  inet		Internet Utilities
   P  rpc		Remote Procedure Call Utilities
   P  dfs		Distributed File System Utilities


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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005