
Dialcodes -- format of UUCP Dialcode abbreviations file


abb dial_seq


The Dialcodes file (/usr/lib/uucp/Dialcodes) contains the Dialcode abbreviations that can be used in the Phone field of the Systems file. This feature allows you to create a standard Systems file for distribution among several sites that have different phone systems and area codes.

If two remote sites in a network need to link with the same sites, but have different internal phone systems, each site can share the same Systems file, but have different entries in a Dialcodes file.

Each line in Dialcodes contains the following two whitespace-separated fields:

the abbreviation used in the Systems file phone field

the dial sequence that is passed to the dialer when that particular Systems file entry is accessed

The following entry would be set up to work with a ``phone'' field in the Systems file such as jt7867:

   jt 9=847-
When the entry containing jt7867 is encountered, the following sequence is sent to the dialer if the token in the dialer-token pair is \T:
The phone number is made up of an optional alphabetic abbreviation and a numeric part. If an abbreviation is used, it must be one that is listed in the Dialcodes file.
   NY 9=1212555


full pathname of Dialcodes

See also

Systems(F), uucico(ADM), uucp(C), uux(C), uuxqt(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005