
elf_xlate: elf32_xlatetof, elf32_xlatetom, elf64_xlatetof, elf64_xlatetom -- class-dependent data translation


   cc [flag . . . ] file . . . -lelf [library] . . .

#include <libelf.h>

Elf_Data *elf32_xlatetof(Elf_Data *dst, const Elf_Data *src, unsigned encode);

Elf_Data *elf32_xlatetom(Elf_Data *dst, const Elf_Data *src, unsigned encode);

Elf_Data *elf64_xlatetof(Elf_Data *dst, const Elf_Data *src, unsigned encode);

Elf_Data *elf64_xlatetom(Elf_Data *dst, const Elf_Data *src, unsigned encode);


elf32_xlatetom translates various data structures from their 32-bit class file representations to their memory representations; elf32_xlatetof provides the inverse. elf64_xlatetom and elf64_xlatetof provide the same functionality for 64-bit class files. This conversion is particularly important for cross development environments. src is a pointer to the source buffer that holds the original data; dst is a pointer to a destination buffer that will hold the translated copy. encode gives the byte encoding in which the file objects are (to be) represented and must have one of the encoding values defined for the ELF header's e_ident[EI_DATA] entry [see elf_getident(ELF)]. If the data can be translated, the functions return dst. Otherwise, they return null because an error occurred, such as incompatible types, destination buffer overflow, and so forth.

elf_getdata(ELF) describes the Elf_Data descriptor, which the translation routines use as follows.

Translation routines allow the source and destination buffers to coincide. That is, dst->d_buf may equal src->d_buf. Other cases where the source and destination buffers overlap give undefined behavior.

Elf_Type 32-Bit Memory Type 64-Bit Memory Type
ELF_T_ADDR Elf32_Addr Elf64_Addr
ELF_T_BYTE unsigned char unsigned char
ELF_T_DYN Elf32_Dyn Elf64_Dyn
ELF_T_EHDR Elf32_Ehdr Elf64_Fhdr
ELF_T_HALF Elf32_Half Elf64_Half
ELT_T_OFF Elf32_Off Elf64_Off
ELF_T_PHDR Elf32_Phdr Elf64_Phdr
ELF_T_REL Elf32_Rel Elf64_Rel
ELF_T_RELA Elf32_Rela Elf64_Rela
ELF_T_SHDR Elf32_Shdr Elf64_Shdr
ELF_T_SWORD Elf32_Sword Elf64_Sword
ELF_T_SYM Elf32_Sym Elf64_Sym
ELF_T_WORD Elf32_Word Elf64_Word
ELF_T_XWORD Elf64_Xword
ELF_T_SXWORD Elf64_Sxword

 Elf_Type     | 32-Bit Memory Type | 64-Bit Memory Type
 ELF_T_ADDR   | Elf32_Addr         | Elf64_Addr
 ELF_T_BYTE   | unsigned char      | unsigned char
 ELF_T_DYN    | Elf32_Dyn          | Elf64_Dyn
 ELF_T_EHDR   | Elf32_Ehdr         | Elf64_Fhdr
 ELF_T_HALF   | Elf32_Half         | Elf64_Half
 ELT_T_OFF    | Elf32_Off          | Elf64_Off
 ELF_T_PHDR   | Elf32_Phdr         | Elf64_Phdr
 ELF_T_REL    | Elf32_Rel          | Elf64_Rel
 ELF_T_RELA   | Elf32_Rela         | Elf64_Rela
 ELF_T_SHDR   | Elf32_Shdr         | Elf64_Shdr
 ELF_T_SWORD  | Elf32_Sword        | Elf64_Sword
 ELF_T_SYM    | Elf32_Sym          | Elf64_Sym
 ELF_T_WORD   | Elf32_Word         | Elf64_Word
 ELF_T_XWORD  |                    | Elf64_Xword
 ELF_T_SXWORD |                    | Elf64_Sxword

``Translating'' buffers of type ELF_T_BYTE does not change the byte order.


Intro(ELF), elf_fsize(ELF), elf_getdata(ELF), elf_getident(ELF)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005