
Init -- inittab entries for a kernel module


One of the Installable Driver/Tunable Parameters kernel configuration files, an Init file contains information used by the idmkinit(ADM) command to construct a module's /etc/inittab entry. When the Init component of a module's Driver Software Package (DSP) is installed, idinstall(ADM) stores the module's Init file information in /etc/conf/init.d/module-name, where the file module-name is the name of the module being installed. Package scripts should never access /etc/conf/init.d files directly; only the idinstall command should be used.

Init files contain lines consisting of one of three forms:


All fields are positional and must be separated by colons. Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' or ``*'' are considered comments and are ignored.

Lines of the first form should be used for most entries. When presented with a line of this form, idmkinit:

Lines of the second form should be used when an rstate value other than 2 must be specified. When presented with a line of this form, idmkinit generates only the id field value and prepends it to the entry.

Lines of the third form should be used with caution. When presented with a line of this form, idmkinit copies the entry to the inittab file verbatim. It is recommended that DSPs avoid specifying lines of this form because, if more than one DSP or add-on application specifies the same id field value, idmkinit will create multiple inittab entries containing this id value. When the /etc/init program attempts to process the inittab entries with the same id, it will fail with an error condition.

Note that idmkinit determines which of the three forms is being used by searching each line for a valid action keyword. Valid action values are:

   boot			bootwait
   initdefault		off
   once			ondemand
   powerfail		powerwait
   respawn			sysinit


idinstall(ADM), idmkinit(ADM), init(ADM), inittab(F), System(DSP)
02 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005