
vidi -- set the font and video mode for a video device


vidi [ -d ] [ -f fontfile ] font

vidi mode


The vidi command has two functions. With arguments it loads/extracts a font or sets the video mode for the current standard input device. Without arguments, it lists all of the valid video mode and font commands.

Font options

Some video cards support changeable character fonts. Available fonts are font8x8, font8x14, and font8x16. The font options are used as follows:

vidi font
loads font from /usr/lib/vidi/font.

vidi -d font
writes font to the standard output.

vidi -d -f font fontfile
writes font to fontfile.

vidi -f fontfile font
loads font from fontfile instead of default directory.

Mode options

vidi also sets the mode of the video adapter connected to the standard input. The modes are:

move current screen to the monochrome adapter.

move current screen to the Color Graphics adapter.

move current screen to the Enhanced Graphics adapter.

move current screen to the Video Graphics adapter.

activate the internal monitor on Compaq portable with a plasma screen.

activate the external monitor on Compaq portable with a plasma screen.

extend a font to the 9th bit

do not extend a font to the 9th bit

Text and graphics modes

The following tables list the available modes.

Text Modes

Mode Cols Rows Font Adapter
c40x25 40 25 8x8 CGA (EGA VGA)
e40x25 40 25 8x14 EGA (VGA)
v40x25 40 25 8x16 VGA
m80x25 80 25 8x14 MONO (EGA_MONO VGA_MONO)
c80x25 80 25 8x8 CGA (EGA VGA)
em80x25 80 25 8x14 EGA_MONO (VGA_MONO)
e80x25 80 25 8x14 EGA (VGA)
vm80x25 80 25 8x16 VGA_MONO
v80x25 80 25 8x16 VGA
e80x43 80 43 8x14 EGA (VGA)

 |Mode    | Cols | Rows | Font | Adapter                  |
 |c40x25  |   40 |   25 | 8x8  | CGA (EGA VGA)            |
 |e40x25  |   40 |   25 | 8x14 | EGA (VGA)                |
 |v40x25  |   40 |   25 | 8x16 | VGA                      |
 |m80x25  |   80 |   25 | 8x14 | MONO (EGA_MONO VGA_MONO) |
 |c80x25  |   80 |   25 | 8x8  | CGA (EGA VGA)            |
 |em80x25 |   80 |   25 | 8x14 | EGA_MONO (VGA_MONO)      |
 |e80x25  |   80 |   25 | 8x14 | EGA (VGA)                |
 |vm80x25 |   80 |   25 | 8x16 | VGA_MONO                 |
 |v80x25  |   80 |   25 | 8x16 | VGA                      |
 |e80x43  |   80 |   43 | 8x14 | EGA (VGA)                |

Graphics Modes

Mode Pixel resolution Colors Adapter
mode5 320x200 4 CGA (EGA VGA)
mode6 640x200 2 CGA (EGA VGA)
modeD 320x200 16 EGA (VGA)
modeE 640x200 16 EGA (VGA)
modeF 640x350 2 (mono) EGA (VGA)
mode10 640x350 16 EGA (VGA)
mode11 640x480 2 VGA
mode12 640x480 16 VGA
mode13 320x200 256 VGA

 |Mode   | Pixel resolution | Colors   | Adapter       |
 |mode5  | 320x200          |        4 | CGA (EGA VGA) |
 |mode6  | 640x200          |        2 | CGA (EGA VGA) |
 |modeD  | 320x200          |       16 | EGA (VGA)     |
 |modeE  | 640x200          |       16 | EGA (VGA)     |
 |modeF  | 640x350          | 2 (mono) | EGA (VGA)     |
 |mode10 | 640x350          |       16 | EGA (VGA)     |
 |mode11 | 640x480          |        2 | VGA           |
 |mode12 | 640x480          |       16 | VGA           |
 |mode13 | 320x200          |      256 | VGA           |

Mapping console screen fonts

You can use vidi to display the full range of characters on a display adapter. Normally, if you have a console with a display adapter which has a character set defined in a ROM, you will be able to display only those characters defined in that ROM. In addition, the mapchan(F) file for the console must correspond to the character set defined in the display adapter ROM to display the entire font set.

For example, if your display adapter ROM has the IBM PC character set defined, but you are using the PC Nordic mapchan file, you will not be able to display the following characters:

ø   Ø   L·   l·   õ   Õ   ã   Ã

To display these characters, use vidi to override the character set in ROM with the PC Nordic font file.

In addition to using vidi to override the ROM character set, you can use it to define certain display fonts on some display adapters. For example, the VGA adapter will allow you to display fonts in the sizes 8x8, 8x14, and 8x16.

If you change mapchan mapping for a console with any type of display adapter, you may also need to change the character font correspondingly.

vidi defines the font for one of a number of character sets. The font definition files are available in the directory /usr/lib/vidi, and are listed in ``Screen font mapping for the console'' for the various character sets.

For example, the following command allows you to display the full range of Nordic characters when you are using the PC Nordic mapchan file and your display adapter ROM has the IBM PC character set defined:

vidi -f /usr/lib/vidi/nor.8x14 font8x14

Screen font mapping for the console

If you change the mapchan(M) mapping for a console with any type of display adapter, you will also need to change the character font.

vidi defines the font for one of the character sets given below. The following font definition files are available in the directory /usr/lib/vidi:

Character Set 8x8 font 8x14 font 8x16 font
Codepage 850 850.8x8 850.8x14 850.8x16
ISO 8859 iso.8x8 iso.8x14 iso.8x16
ISO 8859-2 ISO8859-2.8x8 ISO8859-2.8x14 ISO8859-2.8x16
ISO 8859-3 ISO8859-3.8x8 ISO8859-3.8x14 ISO8859-3.8x16
ISO 8859-4 ISO8859-4.8x8 ISO8859-4.8x14 ISO8859-4.8x16
ISO 8859-5 ISO8859-5.8x8 ISO8859-5.8x14 ISO8859-5.8x16
ISO 8859-6 ISO8859-6.8x8 ISO8859-6.8x14 ISO8859-6.8x16
ISO 8859-7 ISO8859-7.8x8 ISO8859-7.8x14 ISO8859-7.8x16
ISO 8859-8 ISO8859-8.8x8 ISO8859-8.8x14 ISO8859-8.8x16
ISO 8859-9 ISO8859-9.8x8 ISO8859-9.8x14 ISO8859-9.8x16
ISO 8859-10 ISO8859-10.8x8 ISO8859-10.8x14 ISO8859-10.8x16
ISO 8859-15 ISO8859-15.8x8 ISO8859-15.8x14 ISO8859-15.8x16
PC Greek grk.8x8 grk.8x14 grk.8x16
PC Israeli isr.8x8 isr.8x14 isr.8x16
PC Nordic nor.8x8 nor.8x14 nor.8x16
PC Portuguese por.8x8 por.8x14 por.8x16
PC Spanish spa.8x8 spa.8x14 spa.8x16
PC Standard font.8x8 font.8x14 font.8x16

 |Character Set | 8x8 font       | 8x14 font       | 8x16 font       |
 |Codepage 850  | 850.8x8        | 850.8x14        | 850.8x16        |
 |ISO 8859      | iso.8x8        | iso.8x14        | iso.8x16        |
 |ISO 8859-2    | ISO8859-2.8x8  | ISO8859-2.8x14  | ISO8859-2.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-3    | ISO8859-3.8x8  | ISO8859-3.8x14  | ISO8859-3.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-4    | ISO8859-4.8x8  | ISO8859-4.8x14  | ISO8859-4.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-5    | ISO8859-5.8x8  | ISO8859-5.8x14  | ISO8859-5.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-6    | ISO8859-6.8x8  | ISO8859-6.8x14  | ISO8859-6.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-7    | ISO8859-7.8x8  | ISO8859-7.8x14  | ISO8859-7.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-8    | ISO8859-8.8x8  | ISO8859-8.8x14  | ISO8859-8.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-9    | ISO8859-9.8x8  | ISO8859-9.8x14  | ISO8859-9.8x16  |
 |ISO 8859-10   | ISO8859-10.8x8 | ISO8859-10.8x14 | ISO8859-10.8x16 |
 |ISO 8859-15   | ISO8859-15.8x8 | ISO8859-15.8x14 | ISO8859-15.8x16 |
 |PC Greek      | grk.8x8        | grk.8x14        | grk.8x16        |
 |PC Israeli    | isr.8x8        | isr.8x14        | isr.8x16        |
 |PC Nordic     | nor.8x8        | nor.8x14        | nor.8x16        |
 |PC Portuguese | por.8x8        | por.8x14        | por.8x16        |
 |PC Spanish    | spa.8x8        | spa.8x14        | spa.8x16        |
 |PC Standard   | font.8x8       | font.8x14       | font.8x16       |


The internal and external commands should only be used on Compaq compatible displays.

You must select the mode no9bit before loading ISO8859.* fonts. This is to prevent characters appearing corrupted in certain localized codesets.

See also

mapchan(F), mapchan(M), screen(HW)

Standards conformance

vidi is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005