
rcvalert -- notify user about newly received mail


/usr/bin/rcvalert [ size ]


The rcvalert command displays a line of mail header information on your screen when a letter is received. MMDF invokes rcvalert for you rather than you running it yourself. This command is run when you insert a pipe entry to rcvalert in your .maildelivery file in your home directory. The rcvalert command checks to see if you are logged on and if your terminal may be written to. If so, rcvalert prints a scan listing of the message on your terminal.

The scan line rings the terminal's bell and then prints the number of characters in the message and the contents of the ``From:'' and ``Subject:'' components, if present. If the ``Subject:'' component is not present or is very short, some of the initial text from the body of the message is included.

The size argument to rcvalert specifies the size of the message.


The following entry in the .maildelivery file invokes rcvalert:
   *    -    pipe    R    rcvalert $(size)
Specify the full pathname of rcvalert, if /usr/bin is not in your search path.


used to see who is logged in

your delivery specification file

See also

maildelivery(F), rcvtrip(C)

Standards conformance

This utility was written by David H. Crocker.

MMDF is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed at the University of Delaware and is used with permission.

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005