
pr -- print files on the standard output


pr [ options ] [ files ]


The pr command prints the named files on the standard output. If file is ``-'', or if no files are specified, the standard input is assumed. By default, the listing is separated into pages of 66 lines, each with a five line header that includes the page number, date and time of creation or modification, and pathname. A trailer consisting of five blank lines is also added.

By default, columns are of equal width, separated by at least one space; lines which do not fit are truncated. If the -s option is used, lines are not truncated and columns are separated by the separation character.

If the standard output is associated with a terminal, error messages are withheld until pr has completed printing.

Options may appear singly or combined in any order. Their meanings are:

Prints multi-column output across the page.

Double-spaces the output.

Expands input tabs to character positions k+1, 2*k+1, 3*k+1, as so on. If k is 0 or is omitted, default tab settings at every 8th position are assumed. Tab characters in the input are expanded into the appropriate number of spaces. If c (any non-digit character) is given, it is treated as the input tab character (default for c is the tab character).

Uses form feed character for new pages (default is to use a sequence of linefeeds). Pauses before beginning the first page if the standard output is associated with a terminal.

Uses a form feed character for new pages.

-h header
Uses header as the header to be printed instead of the filename.

In output, replaces white space wherever possible by inserting tabs to character positions k+1, 2*k+1, 3*k+1, as so on. If k is 0 or is omitted, default tab settings at every 8th position are assumed. If c (any non-digit character) is given, it is treated as the output tab character (default for c is the tab character).

Begins printing with page k (default is 1).

Produces k-column output (default is 1). The options -e and -i are assumed for multi-column output.

-l n
Sets the length of a page to n lines (default is 66).

Merges and prints all files simultaneously, one per column (overrides the -k, and -a options).

Provides k-digit line numbering (default for k is 5). The number occupies the first k+1 character positions of each column of normal output or each line of -m output. If c (any non-digit character) is given, it is appended to the line number to separate it from whatever follows (default for c is a tab).

-o k
Offsets each line by k character positions (default is 0). The number of character positions per line is the sum of the width and offset.

Pauses before beginning each page if the output is directed to a terminal. pr will ring the bell at the terminal and wait for a carriage return to be read from /dev/tty.

Prints no diagnostic reports on failure to open files.

Separates columns by the single character c instead of by the appropriate number of spaces (default for c is a tab).

Prints neither the 5-line identifying header nor the 5-line trailer normally supplied for each page. Quits printing after the last line of each file without spacing to the end of the page.

-w k
Sets the width of a line to k character positions (default is 72 for equal-width multi-column output, no limit otherwise). If -w is not specified, but -s is given, the default width is 512.


The following prints file1 and file2 as a double-spaced, three-column listing headed by ``file list'':

pr -3dh "file list" file1 file2

The following writes file1 on file2, expanding tabs to columns 10, 19, 28, 37... :

pr -e9 -t <file1 >file2

See also


Standards conformance

pr is conformant with:

ISO/IEC DIS 9945-2:1992, Information technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and Utilities (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992);
AT&T SVID Issue 2;
X/Open CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities, Issue 4, 1992.

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005