
jwin -- print size of layer




The jwin command runs only under layers(C) and is used to determine the size of the layer associated with the current process. It prints the width and the height of the layer in bytes (number of characters across and number of lines, respectively). For bit-mapped terminals only, it also prints the width and height of the layer in bits.

The layer whose size is printed is the one attached to standard input; that is, the window you are in when you type the jwin command.

Exit values

jwin returns 0 on successful completion, 1 otherwise.


If layers has not been invoked, an error message is printed:
   jwin: not mpx


In the following example, the user input is in bold:
   bytes:  86 25
   bits:   780 406

See also

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005