
greek -- select terminal filter


greek [ -Tterminal ]


greek is a filter that reinterprets the extended character set, as well as the reverse and half-line motions, of a 128-character TELETYPE Model 37 terminal for certain other terminals. Special characters are simulated by overstriking, if necessary and possible. If the argument is omitted, greek attempts to use the environment variable $TERM (see environ(M)). Currently, the following terminals are recognized:

300 DASI 300
300-12 DASI 300 in 12-pitch
300s DASI 300s
300s-12 DASI 300s in 12-pitch
450 DASI 450
450-12 DASI 450 in 12-pitch
1620 Diablo 1620 (alias DASI 450)
1620-12 Diablo 1620 (alias DASI 450) in 12-pitch
2621 Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
2640 Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
2645 Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
4014 Tektronix 4014
hp Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
tek Tektronix 4014

 300       DASI 300
 300-12    DASI 300 in 12-pitch
 300s      DASI 300s
 300s-12   DASI 300s in 12-pitch
 450       DASI 450
 450-12    DASI 450 in 12-pitch
 1620      Diablo 1620 (alias DASI 450)
 1620-12   Diablo 1620 (alias DASI 450) in 12-pitch
 2621      Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
 2640      Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
 2645      Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
 4014      Tektronix 4014
 hp        Hewlett-Packard 2621, 2640, and 2645
 tek       Tektronix 4014







See also

300(C), 4014(C), 450(C), environ(M), hp(C), term(M), tplot(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005