
getconf -- print configuration dependent values


getconf system_variable

getconf path_variable pathname


The getconf command writes the value of configuration dependent variables to standard output.

In the first syntax, getconf writes the value of the variable specified by system_variable.

In the second syntax, getconf writes the value of the variable specified by path_variable for the specified pathname.

If system_variable or path_variable is a legal variable, but is not defined on the current system or in pathname, getconf will display:


The following variables are recognized as system variables. The variables marked "(obsolete)" were provided in previous releases, but are no longer supported.

Maximum length of an argument. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_ARG_MAX} (see below).

Maximum obase values as permitted by the bc command. The minimum value is defined by {POSIX2_BC_BASE_MAX} (see below).

Maximum number of array elements permitted by bc. The minimum number is defined by {POSIX2_BC_DIM_MAX} (see below).

Maximum value of scale allowed by bc. The minimum value is defined by {POSIX2_BC_SCALE_MAX} (see below).

Maximum length of a string constant accepted by bc. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX2_BC_STRING_MAX} (see below).

Maximum number of bytes in a character class name.

The number of bits in a type char variable.

The highest possible value of a type char variable.

The minimum possible value of a type char variable.

Maximum number of simultaneous processes per real user ID. The minimum number is defined by {POSIX_CHILD_MAX} (see below).

Number of clock ticks per second.

Maximum number of weights that can be assigned to LC_COLLATE variable. The minimum number is defined by {POSIX2_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX} (see below).

The value of the PATH environment variable.

The maximum number of expressions that can be nested within parentheses by the expr(C) command. The minimum number is defined by {POSIX2_EXPR_NEST_MAX} (see below).

Maximum value of a type int variable.

Minimum value of a type int variable.

Maximum number of iovec structures that can be used by readv(S) and writev(S) system calls.

KERNEL_CLISTS (obsolete)
Number of clists allocated.

Maximum number of clists.

KERNEL_DISK (obsolete)
Number of disk drives supported.

KERNEL_DISK_MAX (obsolete)
Maximum number of disk drives that can be supported.

KERNEL_FILE (obsolete)
Size of file table.

KERNEL_FILE_MAX (obsolete)
Maximum size of file table.

Number of record locks.

Maximum number of record locks.

KERNEL_INODE (obsolete)
Size of inode table.

Maximum size of inode table.

KERNEL_MOUNT (obsolete)
Size of mount table.

Maximum size of mount table.

KERNEL_PINODE (obsolete)
Size of High Performance Pipe System (HPPS) inode table.

Maximum size of High Performance Pipe System (HPPS) inode table.

Size of process table.

Maximum size of process table.

KERNEL_REGION (obsolete)
Size of region table.

Maximum size of region table.

KERNEL_S5INODE (obsolete)
Size of s5inode table.

Maximum size of s5inode table.

The default maximum length, in bytes, of a command's input line. The length includes the trailing newline.

Set to the number of bits in a variable of type long int.

Set to the maximum number of bits in a variable of type long int.

Set to the minimum number of bits in a variable of type long int.

Maximum number of bytes in a character, for any supported locale.

This is the maximum number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs available to a process. The minimum number is defined by {POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX} (see below).

This is the maximum value of the variable digit as passed to the printf(S) and scanf(S) functions.

This is the maximum number of permissible bytes in a LANG name.

Set to the maximum number of a message.

This is set to the maximum number of permissible bytes in an N-to-1 collation mapping.

The maximum set number.

This is set to the maximum number of allowable bytes in a message string.

This is the default process priority.

The maximum number of per-process open files. The minimum number is defined by {POSIX_OPEN_MAX} (see below).

The maximum number of significant bytes in a

The path through which the shell searches for a specified command.

Maximum length of an argument, including environment data, to the exec(S) function, and the minimum value to which {ARG_MAX} can be set.

Maximum number of simultaneous processes per real user ID, and the minimum value to which {CHILD_MAX} can be set.

If set to a value other than -1, the implementation supports job control.

Maximum number of permitted links to a single file, and the minimum value to which {LINK_MAX} can be set.

Maximum number of permitted bytes in a terminal canonical input queue, and the minimum value to which {MAX_CANON} can be set.

Maximum number of permitted bytes in a terminal input queue. The minimum value to which {MAX_INPUT} can be set.

Maximum length (in bytes) of a filename, excluding terminating null, and the minimum value to which {NAME_MAX} can be set.

Maximum number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs per process, and the minimum value to which {NGROUPS_MAX} can be set.

Maximum number of per-process open files that can be simultaneously open, and the minimum value to which {OPEN_MAX} can be set.

Maximum length (in bytes) of a pathname, and the minimum value to which {PATH_MAX} can be set.

Maximum number of bytes guaranteed to be atomic when writing to a pipe, and the minimum value to which {PIPE_BUF} can be set.

If this constant is defined with a value other than -1, each process has a saved user-ID and a saved set-group ID.

Set to the value that can be stored in an object of size size_t, and the minimum value to which {SSIZE_MAX} can be set.

The maximum number of streams that a single process can have open at any one time, and the minimum value to which {STREAM_MAX} can be set.

The maximum number of bytes that can make up the name of a timezone, and the minimum value to which {TZNAME_MAX} can be set.

Integer value indicating the version of the IEEE POSIX standard supported.

Maximum obase values as permitted by the bc command, and the minimum value to which {BC_BASE_MAX} can be set.

Maximum number of array elements permitted by bc, and the minimum value to which {BC_DIM_MAX} can be set.

Maximum value of scale allowed by bc, and the minimum value to which {BC_SCALE_MAX} can be set.

Maximum length of a string constant accepted by bc, and the minimum value to which {BC_STRING_MAX} can be set.

A figure other than -1 indicates support for the C language.

A figure other than -1 indicates support for the C language development utilities.

Value indicating the version of the IEEE POSIX.2 standard supported by the implementation. It also indicates whether the X/Open POSIX2 C-language binding feature group is supported.

Indicates whether the system supports at least one terminal type. Set to -1 if it does not, otherwise set to a value other than -1.

Maximum number of weights that can be assigned to the LC_COLLATE variable, and the minimum value to which {COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX} can be set.

The maximum number of expressions that can be nested within parentheses by the expr(C) command, and the minimum value to which {EXPR_NESTS_MAX} can be set.

If set to a value other than -1, the implementation supports the FORTRAN development utilities option.

If set to a value other than -1, the implementation supports the FORTRAN run-time utilities option.

The default maximum length, in bytes, of a command's input line. The length includes the trailing newline.

If set to a value other than -1, the implementation supports the localedef(C) utility.

This is the maximum number of permitted repetitions of a regular expression when using the interval notation \f{m,n\f}.

If set to a value other than -1, the implementation supports the software development utilities option.

If set to a value other than -1, the implementation supports the user portability utilities extension (UPE) option.

Value indicating the version of the IEEE POSIX.2 standard supported by the implementation.

This is the maximum number of permitted repetitions of a regular expression when using the interval notation \f{m,n\f}.

Maximum value of a variable of type signed char.

Minimum value of a variable of type signed char.

Maximum value of a variable of type short.

Minimum value of a variable of type short.

Maximum value of an object of type ssize_t. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_SSIZE_MAX} (see above).

The number of streams that any one process can have open at one time. If defined, this value is the same as {FOPEN_MAX} as defined in <stdio.h>. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_STREAM_MAX} (see above).

The minimum number of unique pathnames that can be generated by tmpnam(S). Also the maximum number of times that an application can reliably call tmpnam.

The name of a time-zone can consist of this maximum number of bytes (this is not the TZ variable. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_TZNAME_MAX} (see above).

Maximum value of a variable of type unsigned char.

Maximum value of a variable of type unsigned int.

Maximum value of a variable of type unsigned long int.

Maximum value of a variable of type unsigned short int.

The number of bits in a word or a variable of type int.

This value indicates the version of the X/Open specification to which this implementation conforms.

This integer value indicates the version of the X/Open commands and utilities specification (XCU) to which this implementation conforms. If the value is -1, no commands or utilities are provided on the implementation. If the value is greater than or equal to 4, the functionality defined by the following symbols is supported:


If defined, the implementation supports the X/Open Encryption Feature Group.

If defined, the implementation supports the X/Open Enhanced Internationalization (I18N) Feature Group.

If defined, the implementation supports the X/Open Shared Memory Feature Group.

If defined, this implementation supports the X/Open Portability Guide, Version 2; Volume 2, XVS System Calls and Libraries, January 1987, ISBN 0-444-70174-5.

If defined, this implementation supports the X/Open Portability Guide, Version 3; Volume 2, XSI System Interfaces and Headers, December 1988, ISBN 0-13-685843-0.

If defined, this implementation supports X/Open CAE Specification, System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 4, 1992, July 1992, ISBN 1-872630-47-2.
The following variables are recognized as path variables (they depend on a pathname):

This is the maximum number of permissible links to a single file. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_LINK_MAX}.

Maximum number of permitted bytes in a terminal canonical input queue. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_MAX_CANON}.

Maximum number of permitted bytes in a terminal input queue. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_MAX_INPUT}.

Maximum length (in bytes) of a filename, excluding terminating null. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_NAME_MAX}.

Maximum length (in bytes) of a pathname. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_PATH_MAX}.

Maximum number of bytes guaranteed to be atomic when writing to a pipe. The minimum length is defined by {POSIX_PIPE_BUF}.

If this is defined with a value other than -1, the chown(S) routine can only be executed by a process with appropriate privileges. In addition, the use of chown is restricted to the ability to change the group ID of a file to the effective group ID of the process or to one of its supplementary group ID.

If this is set to a value other than -1, a pathname component longer than {NAME_MAX} will generate an error.

If this value is set to -1, terminal special characters defined in <termio.h> will be disabled.

Exit values

getconf returns 0 (zero) if the specified variable exists or is undefined; a positive non-zero value is returned if the variable is invalid or an error occurs.


Entering the command getconf KERNEL_PROC will return the current size of the dynamic process table.


The inclusion of a variable in one of the above tables does not imply that its value can be altered by reconfiguring the system; some of the values are fixed.

See also

confstr(S), pathconf(S), readv(S), setconf(ADM), sysconf(S), writev(S)

Standards conformance

getconf is conformant with:

ISO/IEC DIS 9945-2:1992, Information technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and Utilities (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992);
X/Open CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities, Issue 4, 1992.

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005