
dtype -- determine disk type


dtype [-s] device ...


The dtype command determines the type of a disk and prints pertinent information on the standard output (unless the silent (-s) option is selected), then exits with a corresponding value (see below). When more than one argument is given for device, the exit value corresponds to the last argument.

Miscellaneous disk types

Exit value Message (optional)
60 error (specified)
61 empty or unrecognized data

 |Exit value | Message (optional)                         |
 |        60 | error (specified)                          |
 |        61 | empty or unrecognized data                 |

Storage disk types

Exit code Message (optional)
70 backup format, volume n
71 tar format [, extent e of n]
72 cpio format (binary) format
73 cpio character (-Hodc) format
74 cpio character (-c) format
75 cpio character (-Hcrc) format

 |Exit code | Message (optional)                         |
 |       70 | backup format, volume n                    |
 |       71 | tar format [, extent e of n]               |
 |       72 | cpio format (binary) format                |
 |       73 | cpio character (-Hodc) format              |
 |       74 | cpio character (-c) format                 |
 |       75 | cpio character (-Hcrc) format              |

XENIX or UNIX disk types

Version Exit Message
or type code (optional)
System III 120 XENIX 2.x filesystem [needs cleaning]
System V 130 XENIX 3.x or later filesystem [needs cleaning]
  138 DTFS filesystem [needs cleaning]
  139 HTFS filesystem [needs cleaning]
  140 UNIX 1K filesystem [needs cleaning]

 |Version    | Exit  |  Message                             |
 |or type    | code  |  (optional)                          |
 |System III |  120  |  XENIX 2.x filesystem [needs         |
 |           |       |  cleaning]                           |
 |System V   |  130  |  XENIX 3.x or later filesystem       |
 |           |       |  [needs cleaning]                    |
 |           |  138  |  DTFS filesystem [needs cleaning]    |
 |           |  139  |  HTFS filesystem [needs cleaning]    |
 |           |  140  |  UNIX 1K filesystem [needs cleaning] |

MS-DOS disk types

Version Exit Message
or type code (optional)
1.x 80 DOS 1.x, 8 sec/track, single sided
  81 DOS 1.x, 8 sec/track, dual sided
2.x 90 MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, single sided, 5.25 inch
  91 MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, dual sided, 5.25 inch
  92 MS-DOS 9 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, single sided, 5.25 inch
  93 MS-DOS 9 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, dual sided, 5.25 inch
  94 MS-DOS fixed disk
data 100 MS-DOS data disk, n sec/track, single sided
  101 MS-DOS data disk, n sec/track, dual sided
  102 MS-DOS data disk, 9 sec/track, single sided
  103 MS-DOS data disk, 9 sec/track, dual sided
3.x 110 MS-DOS 9 (3.5 inch) or 15 (5.25 inch) sec/track, 80 tracks/side, dual sided
  111 MS-DOS 18 sec/track, 80 tracks/side, dual sided, 3.5 inch
  112 MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 80 tracks/side, single sided, 3.5 or 5.25 inch
  113 MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 80 tracks/side, dual sided, 3.5 or 5.25 inch

 |Version | Exit  |  Message                             |
 |or type | code  |  (optional)                          |
 |1.x     |   80  |  DOS 1.x, 8 sec/track, single sided  |
 |        |   81  |  DOS 1.x, 8 sec/track, dual sided    |
 |2.x     |   90  |  MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, |
 |        |       |  single sided, 5.25 inch             |
 |        |   91  |  MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, |
 |        |       |  dual sided, 5.25 inch               |
 |        |   92  |  MS-DOS 9 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, |
 |        |       |  single sided, 5.25 inch             |
 |        |   93  |  MS-DOS 9 sec/track, 40 tracks/side, |
 |        |       |  dual sided, 5.25 inch               |
 |        |   94  |  MS-DOS fixed disk                   |
 |data    |  100  |  MS-DOS data disk, n sec/track,      |
 |        |       |  single sided                        |
 |        |  101  |  MS-DOS data disk, n sec/track, dual |
 |        |       |  sided                               |
 |        |  102  |  MS-DOS data disk, 9 sec/track,      |
 |        |       |  single sided                        |
 |        |  103  |  MS-DOS data disk, 9 sec/track, dual |
 |        |       |  sided                               |
 |3.x     |  110  |  MS-DOS 9 (3.5 inch) or 15 (5.25     |
 |        |       |  inch) sec/track, 80 tracks/side,    |
 |        |       |  dual sided                          |
 |        |  111  |  MS-DOS 18 sec/track, 80             |
 |        |       |  tracks/side, dual sided, 3.5 inch   |
 |        |  112  |  MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 80 tracks/side, |
 |        |       |  single sided, 3.5 or 5.25 inch      |
 |        |  113  |  MS-DOS 8 sec/track, 80 tracks/side, |
 |        |       |  dual sided, 3.5 or 5.25 inch        |


XENIX filesystems and backup and cpio binary formats may not be recognized if created on a foreign system. This is due to such system differences as byte and word swapping and structure alignment. (``word-swapped'' refers to byte ordering of long words in relation to the host system.)

This utility only works reliably for floppy diskettes.

See also

backup(ADM), cpio(C), tar(C)

Standards conformance

dtype is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005