
dfspace -- report disk space


/etc/dfspace [ filesystem ... ]


dfspace is a shell script interface to the df(C) command.

/etc/dfspace with no arguments will report the disk space used for each mounted file system, along with the total disk space available for that filesystem, and the percentage of space currently used. Total disk space, total disk space available, and percentage used are also reported. Disk space is reported in megabytes.

You can see disk space for a particular filesystem by supplying that filesystem as an argument to dfspace. You can specify filesystems by device name (for example, /dev/root) if you wish.

dfspace is frequently used in the system startup files /etc/profile or /etc/cshrc.



/ : Disk space: 31.12 MB of 146.47 MB available (21.25%). /u : Disk space: 35.41 MB of 201.16 MB available (17.60%). /z : Disk space: 50.37 MB of 272.74 MB available (18.47%). /w : Disk space: 506.81 MB of 605.93 MB available (83.64%).

Total Disk Space: 623.72 MB of 1226.32 MB available (50.86%).

See also

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005