
checkmail -- check for MMDF mail that has been submitted but not delivered


checkmail [ -a ] [ -f ] [ -m ]


checkmail checks the MMDF mail queue on the local machine for messages that have been sent by the invoker. If invoked without any arguments, the ``Subject:'' of each message found is given along with a list of addressees who have not yet received the message. Usually, messages are still in the queue because the addressee's host machine is down.

The -a (all addresses) option causes all addresses to be shown (both delivered and undelivered). Some delivered addresses may not appear since some sites remove already-delivered addresses from the address list files for efficiency.

The -f (fast) option suppresses the printing of the ``Subject'' line.

The -m (all messages) option causes checkmail to check all messages in the mail queue, not just those of the invoker. This is only useful for mail system maintainers who wish to find problem hosts. The -m option can be used only by users root or mmdf.

See also

deliver(ADM), mmdf(ADM)

Standards conformance

MMDF is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed at the University of Delaware and is used with permission.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005