
bdiff -- compare files too large for diff(C)


bdiff file1 file2 [ n ] [ -s ]


The bdiff command compares two files, finds lines that are different, and prints them on the standard output. It allows processing of files that are too large for diff. bdiff splits each file into n-line segments, beginning with the first non-matching lines, and invokes diff upon the corresponding segments. The arguments are:

The number of lines bdiff splits each file into for processing. The default value is 3500. This is useful when 3500-line segments are too large for diff.

Suppresses printing of bdiff diagnostics. Note that this does not suppress printing of diagnostics from diff.
If file1 (or file2) is a dash (-), the standard input is read.

The output of bdiff is exactly that of diff. Line numbers are adjusted to account for the segmenting of the files, and the output looks as if the files had been processed whole.


Because of the segmenting of the files, bdiff does not necessarily find a smallest sufficient set of file differences.

Specify the maximum number of lines if the first difference is too far down in the file for diff and an error is received.



See also

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005