
ticotsord -- connection-oriented loopback transport provider with orderly release


#include <sys/socket.h>

s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

#include <xti.h>

t = t_open("/dev/ticotsord", O_RDWR, infop);


/dev/ticotsord is a connection-mode transport provider offering service of type T_COTS.

s and t are file descriptors for the respective endpoints on calls to functions opening a file descriptor for a transport endpoint.

/dev/ticotsord is typically invoked as the implied device in a call to socket or as the first argument in a call to t_open and is used to identify the transport protocol that will supply a connection-based transport service.

The device known as /dev/ticotsord is a ``loopback transport provider,'' that is, a stand-alone network at the transport level. Loopback devices are transport providers in every sense except one: only one host (the local machine) is ``connected to'' a loopback network.

/dev/ticotsord may be used as a clone device to find a minor available device for the transport user. It presents a TPI (STREAMS-level) interface to application processes and is intended to be accessed via the TLI or socket (application-level) interface. It supports address spaces consisting of ``flex-addresses,'' that is, arbitrary sequences of octets, of length > 0, represented by a netbuf structure, described in intro(NET).


loopback transport provider

Network Services Library (shared object)

Socket Library (shared object)

Transport Interface Library (shared object)


Loopback transports support a local IPC mechanism through the TLI and sockets interfaces. Applications implemented in a transport provider-independent manner on a client-server model using this IPC are transparently transportable to networked environments.

/dev/ticotsord supports the same service type (T_COTS) supported by the OSI transport-level model and its use is encouraged.

Return values

The value returned by a call to open an endpoint with /dev/ticotsord is a file descriptor characterizing the endpoint.


clone(HW), intro(NET), socket(SSC), t_open(NET), t_rcvdis(NET), ticlts(ADMP), ticots(ADMP)

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 01 June 2005