mailstats (ADMN)


     mailstats - display mail statistics


     mailstats [-c] [-o] [-p [-C cffile] [-f stfile]


     The mailstats utility displays the current mail statistics.

     First, the time at which statistics started  being  kept  is
     displayed,  in  the  format specified by ctime(S). Then, the
     statistics for each mailer are displayed on a  single  line,
     each with the following white space separated fields:

          M           The mailer number.
          msgsfr      Number of messages from the mailer.
          bytes_from  Kbytes from the mailer.
          msgsto      Number of messages to the mailer.
          bytes_to    Kbytes to the mailer.
          msgsrej     Number of messages rejected.
          msgsdis     Number of messages discarded.
          msgsqur     Number of messages quarantined.
          Mailer      The name of the mailer.

     After this display, a line totaling the values  for  all  of
     the  mailers is displayed (preceded with a ``T''), separated
     from the previous information  by  a  line  containing  only
     equals  (``='')  characters.   Another  line preceded with a
     ``C'' lists the number of TCP connections.

     The options are as follows:

     -C   Read the specified file instead of the default sendmail
          configuration file.

     -c   Try to use instead of  the  default  sendmail
          configuration file.

     -f   Read the  specified  statistics  file  instead  of  the
          statistics file specified in the sendmail configuration

     -P   Output information  in  program-readable  mode  without
          clearing statistics.

     -p   Output information in program-readable mode  and  clear

     -o   Don't display the name of the mailer in the output.

     The mailstats utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error


     /etc/mail/    The default sendmail  configuration
     /etc/mail/statistics     The  default  sendmail   statistics


     mailq(ADMN), sendmail(ADMN)

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