
xtt -- extract and print xt driver packet traces


xtt [ -f ] [ -o ]


The xtt command is a debugging tool for the xt(HW) driver. It performs an XTIOCTRACE ioctl(S-osr5) call on its standard input file to turn on tracing and extract the circular packet trace buffer for the attached group of channels. This call will fail if tracing has not been configured in the driver, or the standard input is not attached to an xt channel. The packets are printed on the standard output.

The optional flags are:

Causes a ``formfeed'' character to be put out at the end of the output for the benefit of page-display programs.

Turns off further driver tracing.

Exit values

Returns 0 upon successful completion; 1 otherwise.


If driver tracing has not been turned on for the terminal session by invoking layers(C) with the -t option, xtt will not generate any output the first time it is executed.

See also

ioctl(S-osr5), layers(C), layers(M), xt(HW), xtd(ADM), xts(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005