
xferstats -- compile information about FTP file transfers


/usr/lib/xferstats [ -adhrt ] [ -D domain ] [ -f pathname ] [ -l depth ] [ -s section ]


The xferstats command reads the FTP logfile (/var/adm/xferlog by default) and prints statistics and other information about the file transfers recorded in the log. The following options are supported:

Include anonymous users.

Include report on domain traffic.

Include report on hourly traffic.

Include real users.

Report on total traffic by section.

-D domain
Report only on traffic for domain.

-f pathname
Use pathname for the log file instead of /var/adm/xferlog.

-l depth
Depth of path detail for sections.

-s section
Section to report on. For example: -s /pub will report only on paths under /pub.

See also

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005