
uuclean -- UUCP spool directory clean-up


/usr/lib/uucp/uuclean [ -Ctime ] [ -Dtime ] [ -Wtime ] [ -Xtime ]
[ -mstring ] [ -otime ] [ -ssystem ] [ -xdebug_level ]


uuclean will scan the spool directories for old files and take appropriate action as described below: In addition, there is provision to warn users of requests that have been waiting for a given number of days (default 1). Note that uuclean will process as if all option times were specified to the default values unless time is specifically set.

The following options are available.

Any C. files greater than or equal to time days old will be removed with appropriate information to the requestor. (default 7 days)

Any D. files greater than or equal to time days old will be removed. An attempt will be made to deliver mail messages and execute rnews when appropriate. (default 7 days)

Any C. files equal to time days old will cause a mail message to be sent to the requestor warning about the delay in contacting the remote system. The message includes the JOBID, and in the case of mail, the mail message. The administrator may include a message line telling whom to call to check the problem (-m option). (default 1 day)

Any X. files greater than or equal to time days old will be removed. The D. files are probably not present (if they were, the X. could get executed). But if there are D. files, they will be taken care of by D. processing. (default 2 days)

This line will be included in the warning message generated by the -W option. The default line is ``See your local administrator to locate the problem.''

Other files whose age is more than time days will be deleted. (default 2 days)

Execute for system spool directory only.

The -x debug level is a single digit between 0 and 9; higher numbers give more detailed debugging information.
This program is typically started by the shell uudemon.clean, which should be started by cron(C). uuclean can only be executed by the super user or uucp.


directory with commands used by uuclean internally

spool directory

See also

cron(C), uucp(C), uudemon(ADM), uux(C)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005