
uucheck -- check the UUCP directories and permissions file


/usr/lib/uucp/uucheck [ -v ] [ -x debug_level ]


uucheck checks for the presence of the files and directories required by the UUCP system. It also checks for some obvious errors in the Permissions file (/usr/lib/uucp/Permissions). When executed with the -v option, it gives a detailed explanation of how the UUCP programs will interpret the Permissions file. The -x option is used for debugging. debug-option is a single digit in the range 1-9; the higher the value, the greater the detail.

Note that uucheck can only be used by the super user or uucp.


The program does not check file/directory modes or some errors in the Permissions file such as duplicate login or machine name.



See also

uucico(ADM), uucp(C), uusched(ADM), uustat(C), uux(C)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005