
ssoPathMap -- return the patch area for an SSO


/usr/bin/ssoPathMap [ -s segment ] [ -f relPath ] -i ssoIdObject


ssoPathMap returns the path of the patch area of a software storage object (SSO). It is intended for use by shell programs.

The patch area definition ssoIdObject supplied as an argument to the -i option has the format:

"__SSO_ID_ST@VendorCode:ComponentCode:ComponentVersion  @SSO_ID_END__"
The string between the ``@'' symbols should be longer than 34 characters and must contain the following colon-separated fields:

A string identifying the vendor of the component.

A string identifying the component.

The version number of the component.
The -f option defines a relative pathname, relPath, to be appended to the SSO root path. Without this option, ssoPathMap returns only the SSO root path.

The -s option allows the segment type to be specified:

(Default.) Return the root path of the shared read-only portion of the SSO.

Return the root path of the client-specific read-only portion of the SSO.

Exit values

Upon successful completion, the program exits with status 0. On error, the exit value is non-zero.


The following Bourne shell script fragment sets the variable SSOPath to the absolute path to the file /etc/conf/cf.d/mtune:
   idString="__SSO_ID_ST@SCO:Unix:5.0.0Ae                   @SSO_ID_END__"
   SSOPath=`ssoPathMap -s client -f etc/conf/cf.d/mtune -i "$idString"`

See also

custom(ADM), hierarchy(M)

Standards conformance

ssoPathMap is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005