
scoadmin -- invoke SCOadmin applications or configure SCOadmin hierarchy


Invocation syntax:

scoadmin [ -p|P path -H hierarchy -v ] [ -s ] [ application ]

scoadmin -m|e message

Configuration syntax:

scoadmin -B

scoadmin [ -p|P path -H hierarchy -v ] -c|r|d|f object.obj

scoadmin [ -p|P path -H hierarchy -v ] -l|t [ object.obj ]

scoadmin [ -p|P path -H hierarchy -v ] -s -l|t

scoadmin [ -p|P path -H hierarchy -v ] -C|R|D [ directory ]


scoadmin is a command line utility that invokes SCOadmin management applications or configures their placement in the SCOadmin hierarchy. When invoked without arguments, scoadmin invokes the SCOadmin launcher, a menu interface that allows managers to be selected from a list. scoadmin can also be used to invoke individual SCOadmin applications. (The behavior of scoadmin is identical in the character and graphical environments.) SCOadmin consists of a management hierarchy with applications (objects) grouped in folders. This hierarchy complies with X.desktop(TM) and is therefore accessible via the SCOadmin toolshed. The structure, format and content of the SCOadmin framework is described in scoadmin(F).

scoadmin is also used to add, update, or remove applications on the SCOadmin and X.desktop hierarchies.

scoadmin includes support for Sysadmsh Legacy functions created by customers and third-party developers for previous releases of SCO OpenServer(TM) systems.


The following options are supported:

forces an update of the SCOadmin /etc/sysadm.d/SCOadmin.ts/.index file, which contains a sorted list of applications in the SCOadmin hierarchy. This file is used to speed up the invocation process.

-P|p path
specifies the path of the application relative to the root of the SCOadmin hierarchy. -P and -p behave identically except when used with -d (delete), when -p removes all folders along the path and -P preserves the hierarchy.

-H hierarchy
specifies an alternative directory for SCOadmin hierarchy (normally it is /etc/sysadm.d/hierarchy).

causes verbose information to be displayed, for example, messages when adding or deleting folders in the hierarchy.

-s [ application ]
if invoked without an application, scoadmin displays the applications available under the Sysadmsh Legacy hierarchy. When an application is specified, it must be a sysadmsh application.

-C directory
adds (copies) a hierarchy of objects rooted at directory. The directory name will be included in the SCOadmin hierarchy creating a new path (see -P).

-c object.obj
adds (copies) the object to the SCOadmin hierarchy. Once an object is added to the hierarchy, you can freely move, remove, or modify the source object directory without affecting the hierarchy.

-D [ directory ]
detaches the specified scoadmin object hierarchy directory from the SCOadmin hierarchy.

-R [ directory ]
replaces a scoadmin object hierarchy with another set located in directory.

-r object.obj
replaces an object currently in a SCOadmin hierarchy, as with a version upgrade.

-d object.obj
deletes an object from a hierarchy. If the object is not at the root of the hierarchy hierarchy, the path must be specified using either the -p or the -P option.

-f object.obj
overwrites an existing object in a hierarchy.

-l [ object.obj ]
lists objects in the hierarchy by their directory names.

-t [ object.obj ]
lists objects in the hierarchy by their titles.

-m message
displays the specified message. For character applications, messages are sent to the standard output.

-e message
displays the specified error message. For character applications, messages are sent to the standard output.


The following examples explain how the more complex forms of the scoadmin command syntax are used.

Invoking individual SCOadmin applications from the command line

scoadmin can be used to an object directly invoke. For example, any of the following commands can be used to invoke the System Time Manager application:

scoadmin System Time Manager
scoadmin system time manager
scoadmin system t

The third example uses the minimum number of characters necessary to identify the application. Many applications can be invoked with a single character (such as scoadmin a for the Account Manager). If the argument supplied is ambiguous, the first application matching the pattern is invoked. You can also invoke a subset of the SCOadmin hierarchy (for example, scoadmin -p System).

Adding an application to the SCOadmin hierarchy

Assuming the required files have been created as described in scoadmin(F), the next step is to copy it into the SCOadmin hierarchy. If no path is specified, scoadmin places the new object at the top level of the hierarchy. If the object is to be placed in a specific location in the hierarchy, use the -p option. This example adds an object called Foo Demo.obj located in /tmp to the SCOadmin hierarchy under Demos:

scoadmin -p Demos -c /tmp/"Foo Demo.obj"

Note that in the initial SCOadmin hierarchy, the folder Demos does not exist. scoadmin automatically creates intermediate folders as needed. Ownership of these folders is propagated down from the root of the hierarchy hierarchy.

Deleting an application from the SCOadmin hierarchy

The -d option is used to delete objects from a hierarchy. If the object to be deleted is not at the root of the hierarchy hierarchy, the path to it must be specified using either the -p or the -P option. If -p is used, scoadmin removes folders along the specified path if they become empty as a result of this operation. Using -P preserves the hierarchy.

For example, if we want to delete the Foo Demo object while preserving the empty Demos folder, the following syntax is used:

scoadmin -P Demos -d "Foo Demo.obj"

Replacing an application in the SCOadmin hierarchy

The -r option replaces an object currently in a hierarchy hierarchy. This is most useful for version upgrades of objects. It is functionally equivalent to deleting an object and recreating it.

If a new version of the Foo Demo object is available and it resides in /tmp/Foo Demo.obj, the following command would update the hierarchy hierarchy:

scoadmin -p Demos -r /tmp/"Foo Demo.obj"

Viewing the SCOadmin hierarchy configuration

The -l and -t options examine the configuration of a hierarchy hierarchy by directory name and title, respectively. For example, you can test for the existence of an object in the hierarchy as in this example:

scoadmin -p Demos -l "Foo Demo.obj"

These options behave recursively. For example, to get a list of all the object titles under the System subhierarchy:

scoadmin -p System -t

Maintaining SCOadmin subhierarchies

The default behavior for adding new subhierarchies is to place them at the top level of the SCOadmin hierarchy, which is accomplished with the -C option. For example, if you had an object hierarchy in /u/janedoe/FooAdmin that you wanted to make accessible in the SCOadmin hierarchy, you would use the following command:

scoadmin -C /u/janedoe/FooAdmin

This places the new hierarchy in a directory called FooAdmin at the top level of the SCOadmin hierarchy.

To attach a hierarchy to another location, use the -p option. For example, to place the contents of /u/janedoe/FooAdmin in FooTools/FooAdmin, you would use the following command:

scoadmin -p FooTools/FooAdmin -C /u/janedoe/FooAdmin

Note that the path specified is relative to the root of SCOadmin hierarchy. An alternate root directory can also be specified using -H.

Detaching an object hierarchy from SCOadmin is achieved using the -D option, as in this example:

scoadmin -D FooTools/FooAdmin

Use the -R option to replace an object hierarchy. For example:

scoadmin -p FooTools/FooAdmin -R /u/janedoe/FooAdmin

Invoking sysadmsh legacy applications

The SCOadmin hierarchy supports existing sysadmsh extensions. scoadmin includes a Sysadmsh Legacy folder at the top level of the object hierarchy. Use the -s option to invoke specific sysadmsh legacy applications. Without arguments, the contents of the root of the sysadmsh subhierarchy are displayed in a list. For example, the following command invokes the kernel parameter configuration application:

scoadmin -p System/Configure/Kernel -s Parameters

Note that the given path is identical to the path used to navigate through the sysadmsh utility menu.

SCOadmin provides the same functionality from the X.desktop. Activating the Sysadmsh Legacy icon in the SCOadmin hierarchy invokes scoadmin in sysadmsh mode with the following command:

scoadmin -s

Displaying messages and errors

scoadmin provides a method for objects to display messages and errors to the user. This is accomplished using the -m and -e options, respectively. If scoadmin is running graphically, messages and errors issued by an object are displayed in message and error boxes. If, on the other hand, an object is invoked directly on the command line, its errors and messages are simply displayed on standard out. This option is designed to be used in activate scoadmin file to direct messages from scripts that invoke SCOadmin applications as described in scoadmin(F).


There are two distinct software upgrade situations of which developers should be aware. The first of these involves the upgrade of a software component that includes a SCOadmin object. The component is responsible for upgrading its object in the hierarchy. The -r option is used for this purpose. The second situation involves upgrading the SCOadmin hierarchy. In this case, the upgrade will ensure the preservation of the existing SCOadmin hierarchy. Note that the SCOadmin hierarchy is part of the core operating system and is not removable.

SCOadmin applications should not be created manually (by simply adding files to the hierarchy). To ensure that all necessary files are updated, use the -c, -d, -r to add, modify, or delete SCOadmin applications.


root of SCOadmin hierarchy

See also


Standards conformance

scoadmin is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005