
sadc, sa1, sa2 -- system activity report package


/usr/lib/sa/sadc [t n] [ofile]

/usr/lib/sa/sa1 [t n]

/usr/lib/sa/sa2 [-K udk|osr] [-P processor_id[, . . . ] | ALL] [-ubdycwaqvmpgrkAR]
[-s time] [-e time] [-i sec]


System activity data can be accessed at the special request of a user (see sar(ADM)) and automatically, on a routine basis, as described here. The operating system contains several counters that are incremented as various system actions occur. These include counters for CPU utilization, buffer usage, disk and tape I/O activity, TTY device activity, switching and system-call activity, file-access, queue activity, inter-process communications, and paging.

sadc and two shell procedures, sa1 and sa2, are used to sample, save, and process this data.

sadc, the data collector, samples system data n times, with an interval of t seconds between samples, and writes in binary format to ofile or to standard output. The sampling interval t should be greater than 5 seconds; otherwise, the activity of sadc itself may affect the sample. If t and n are omitted, a special record is written. This facility is used at system boot time, when booting to a multiuser state, to mark the time at which the counters restart from zero. For example, the /etc/init.d/perf file writes the restart mark to the daily data by the command entry:

su sys -c "/usr/lib/sa/sadc /var/adm/sa/sa`date +%d`"

The shell script sa1, a variant of sadc, is used to collect and store data in the binary file /var/adm/sa/sadd, where dd is the current day. The arguments t and n cause records to be written n times at an interval of t seconds, or once if omitted. The following entries in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/sys produce records every 20 minutes during working hours and hourly otherwise:

   0 * * * 0-6 /usr/lib/sa/sa1
   20,40 8-17 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa1
See crontab(C) for details.

The shell script sa2, a variant of sar, writes a daily report in the file /var/adm/sa/sardd. The options are explained in sar(ADM). The following entry in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/sys reports important activities hourly during the working day:

   5 18 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -s 8:00 -e 18:01 -i 1200 -A


daily data file

daily report file


crontab(C), sar(ADM), timex(C)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 05 June 2007