
netutil -- administer the Micnet network


/etc/netutil [option] [ -x ] [ -e ]


The netutil command allows the user to create and maintain a network of UNIX machines. A Micnet network is a link through serial lines of two or more systems. It is used to send mail between systems with the mail(C) command, transfer files between systems with the command, and execute commands from a remote system with the remote(C) command.

The netutil command is used to create and distribute the data files needed to implement the network. It is also used to start and stop the network. The option argument may be any one of install, save, restore, start, stop, or the numbers 1 through 5 respectively.

The arguments cause netutil perform the following actions:

This option causes netutil to log transmissions.

Causes netutil to log errors. (For details of the log files, see the System Administration Guide.

the -x and -e options work only when they are used in conjunction with start, stop or their decimal equivalents (4 and 5).

Interactively creates the data files needed to run the network.

Saves these data files on floppy or hard disks, allowing them to be distributed to the other systems in the network. If you save the Micnet files to the hard disk, you can then use uucp(C) to transfer the files to the other machines. This option specifies the name of the backup device and prompts for whether this is the desired device to use. The user can specify an alternate device, including a file on the hard disk. The name of the default backup device is located in the file /etc/default/micnet. This can be changed depending on system configuration.

This option copies the data files from floppy disk back to a system.

Start the network.

Stop the network.

1 ... 5
If netutil is invoked without an option, it displays a menu of options. Once an option is selected, it prompts for additional information if necessary. The decimal digit options 1 to 5 correspond to the menu entries presented by netutil if it is invoked without any options. They are synonymous with the text options listed above.
A network must be installed before it can be started. Installation consists of creating appropriate configuration files with the install option. This option requires the name of each machine in the network, the serial lines to be used to connect the machines, the speed of transmission for each line, and the names of the users on each machine. Once created, the files must be distributed to each computer in the network with the save and restore options. The network is started by using the start option on each machine in the network. Once started, mail and remote commands can be passed along the network. A record of the transmissions between computers in a network can be kept in the network log files. Installation of the network is described in the System Administration Guide.



See also

mail(C), remote(C),, systemid(F), top(F)

Standards conformance

netutil is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005