
ncheck -- generate names from inode numbers


/etc/ncheck [ -asdt ] [ -i number ... ] [ filesystem ... ]


ncheck generates a pathname and inode number list of all files in the specified filesystems.

If you do not specify a filesystem, ncheck examines each of the filesystems specified in /etc/checklist.

ncheck appends the two characters ``/.'' to directory names.

The following options are available:

Allow printing of the names . and .. which are suppressed by default.

modifies -s and -t flags to report directories as well as files that match.

-i number ...
Limit the report to only those files with the specified inode numbers.

Limit the report to special files and files with set-user-ID (setuid) or set-group-ID (setgid) mode set. This can be used to detect violations of security policy.

reports on files with the "sticky" mode set.


Limit arguments can be combined (acting as logical "OR"). For example, this command reports device files, files and directories, with setuid, setgid, or sticky modes, and inode number 45:

ncheck -dst -i 45


If the filesystem structure is damaged, ``??'' denotes the ``parent'' of a parentless file, and a pathname beginning with ``...'' denotes a loop.


No more than 20 filesystems may be checked.

See also ``Limitations'' under mount(ADM).


default list of filesystems to check

directory containing programs for each filesystem type; ncheck invokes the appropriate binary

See also

checklist(F), fsck(ADM), fstyp(ADM), sort(C), chmod(C), chmod(S) ncheck_vxfs(ADM)

Standards conformance

ncheck is conformant with AT&T SVID Issue 2.


A version of ncheck that can handle files greater than 2GB is available in /u95/bin. See ncheck(1M) for more information.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005