
menumerge -- merge sysadmmenu(F) files


menumerge menulist addlist


This program is intended for developers who wish to customize the extensible menus found in sysadmsh(ADM). These new menu entries would perhaps allow the customer to run configuration programs particular to the product being supplied. The menumerge utility would usually be run once from an installation script, merging in the extra menu entries from the file addlist, present on the installation media, into the menulist file chosen from the following list:

menulist file Extensible menu area
/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-execute System Execute
/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-hardware System Hardware
/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-kernel System Configure Kernel
/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-network System Configure Network
/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-other System Configure Other

 |menulist file                  | Extensible menu area     |
 |/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-execute  | System Execute           |
 |/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-hardware | System Hardware          |
 |/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-kernel   | System Configure Kernel  |
 |/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-network  | System Configure Network |
 |/usr/lib/sysadm/.menu-other    | System Configure Other   |
The addlist file must be in the same sysadmmenu(F) format as the menulist file. The suggested method for producing and testing such an addlist file is as follows:

  1. From the shell, rename the file $HOME/.sysadmmenu, if it exists.

  2. Start sysadmsh, and select System -> Configure -> Menus.

  3. Select the User menu entry for configuration.

  4. Edit the User menu entry, such that it contains all the menu entries that are to be added to the above menulist argument.

  5. When you have finished editing the menu area, check that the menu works by selecting the User entry from the top level of sysadmsh. Repeat from step 2 where necessary.

  6. When the menu area is correct, quit from sysadmsh.

  7. Move the file $HOME/.sysadmmenu into the development source tree, or onto the installation media, and add the appropriate menumerge command to the installation script.

  8. If need be, replace the original $HOME/.sysadmmenu.

  9. Run the installation script, and test that the appropriate extensible menu areas in sysadmsh contain the new merged entries.

See also

sysadmmenu(F), sysadmsh(ADM)

System Administration Guide

Standards conformance

menumerge is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005