
memsize -- print memory size of active system or kernel panic dump


/etc/memsize [ dumpfile [ swaplo swaplen ] ]


memsize outputs the memory size in bytes of the active system or a kernel panic dump to the standard output. If no dumpfile is entered, memsize reads the system's active memory via the special device file /dev/mem.

memsize computes the memory size by examining the bootinfo structure (defined in /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h), and summing the sizes of all memory segments.

The arguments swaplo and swaplen should be supplied if the dumpfile is the primary swap device /dev/swap; such a dump may be offset by swaplo blocks and be truncated to swaplen blocks in length (a block is 512 bytes).

Exit values

memsize returns the following exit values:

no error

error reading from the swap device

no system memory image was found on the swap device


special device file access to swap area

special device file access to memory

See also

boot(HW), dumpsave(ADM), swap(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005