
initscript -- script that executes inittab commands


/bin/sh /etc/initscript id rstate action process


/etc/initscript is the shell script used by init(M) to execute commands in /etc/inittab.

Your system's initscript will look similar to the following:

#	@(#) initscrp.dfl 22.2 94/02/23
# set up the default environment for command started by init.
# Usage: /etc/initscript id level action cmd

PATH=/bin:/usr/bin export PATH

HZ=100 export HZ

[ -x /etc/TIMEZONE ] && . /etc/TIMEZONE

umask 027

LEVEL=$3 export LEVEL

eval exec "$4"

initscript sets the PATH variable, sets the HZ variable, checks for an /etc/TIMEZONE file and executes it, sets the umask, and runs the fourth argument (process), which is the process field from /etc/inittab.

The LEVEL variable can be used to find out the current value of the action field (the third argument) read from /etc/inittab. For example, to ensure that your startup script, as identified in the inittab file, is executed when the system enters single-user mode, test that the value of LEVEL is sysinit. See inittab(F) for information on the sysinit action.

HZ is the hertz value, as described in environ(M).

/etc/TIMEZONE sets and exports the TZ variable, as described in environ(M).



See also

environ(M), init(M), inittab(F), sh(C)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005