
hw -- report hardware configuration


hw [-vms] [-p pager] [-r report ] [-l lib_dir] [-n kernel]
hw -h
hw -V


The hw command reports on the hardware configuration of the current system. If no reports are specified with the -r option, it reports on everything that is currently configured. Note that this will be several screens of data; piping the output through a pager with either the -m or -p option is recommended.

hw accepts the following options:

display help message. /usr/lib/hw.

verbose mode. Without this option, hw displays summary information. With this option, hw displays full technical details about the configured hardware.

pipe output through the pager specified by $PAGER or more(C). To specify an alternative pager, use the -p option instead.

-p pager
pipe output through pager.

-r report
Specify report. If no report is specified all applicable reports for the system are generated. The following reports are available:

cpu (aliases: cpu_id, cpu_type)
CPU model and speed. with the -v option,

ram (aliases: mem, memory)
system memory statistics, including a layout of the memory map. With the -v option, also lists memory flags as specified in the <sys/sysbootinfo.h> header file for each segment.

mp (alias: gpi)
multiprocessor hardware information including the configuration address and hardware features. The verbose mode gives hexidecimal values in addtion to the descriptions.

con (aliases: console, screen, keyboard, kbd, sound, audio)
console configuration information, including information about graphics cards, graphics display, mouse devices, sound cards, audio devices, synthesizers, midi devices, timers, and mixers. The verbose mode also identifies the system files that are used to identify each device. For sound cards, the verbose mode lists all components that are included on the card whereas the non-verbose mode lists only the components that are currently being used.

bus (aliases: all_bus, all_buss)
information on all EISA, PCI, and PCMCIA buses configured on the CPU(s).

eisa (aliases: eisa_bus, eisa_buss)
information about all EISA bus devices. The verbose mode displays ID and motherboard signature information in addition to the basic information.

pci (aliases: pci_bus, pci_buss)
information about PCI bus devices

silent. Return success or failure. This can be used in a script to confirm whether the hardware type is configured. For example, to see if a PCI bus is configured:

if `hw -sr pci` then echo "PCI devices are configured!" done

-l lib_dir
specify library directory where the data description files that hw uses are stored. Default value is $HWLIBDIR or

-n kernel
Specify kernel image. Default is to search for it. hw can find the appropriate bootable kernel image in the /stand directory, so this option is seldom required.

display hw version information

hw reads the identifying information directly from the hardware. Root permissions are required. It cannot be used in scripts except with the -s option.

hw uses descriptive information in the files in the /usr/lib/hw directory (or other directory specified with the -l option) to provide product and vendor names. Hardware vendors and others who release hardware that is not listed in these files should update the appropriate file as part of their hardware configuration process.

hw finds the bootable kernel image that matches the incore kernel image as long as the file is in the /stand directory, even if it is renamed manually or through a kernel relink. However, if you relink the kernel more than once after booting the system and do not manually save the bootable kernel image to another filename, the file will be overwritten and hw will not be able to access it.


Data description files read by the hw command.

See also

boot(HW), crash(ADM), mem(HW), pci(HW)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005