
fsstat -- report whether a filesystem needs checking


/etc/fsstat bdev


fsstat reports on the status of the filesystem on the block special file bdev.

During system startup, mountall(ADM) use fsstat to determine if a filesystem needs checking before it is mounted.

For an HTFS filesystem, fsstat succeeds (exits with value 0) if the filesystem is active and does not need checking (it is not marked dirty). For a VxFS filesystem, fsstat never succeeds. For non-root filesystems, fsstat succeeds if the filesystem is unmounted and does not need checking.

Exit values

fsstat has the following exit codes:

for the root filesystem, this means that it is mounted and does not need to be checked; for non-root filesystems, the filesystem is not mounted and does not need to be checked

the filesystem is not mounted and needs to be checked

the filesystem is mounted

the command failed


fsstat does not work on DOS or HS filesystems, and it is not intended for use on remote filesystem types such as NFS and NUCFS.


versions of fsstat for each filesystem type

See also

filesys(F), filesystem(FP), fsck(ADM), fstyp(ADM), mountall(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005