
filter: slow.filter, text2post -- filter programs used by the print service


/usr/spool/lp/bin/slow.filter prefix file ...

/usr/spool/lp/bin/text2post [ -fn fontfile ]


Slow print filters send their output to a file rather than a printer; the filtered output file is then scheduled to print later.

The print service performs slow filtering using the shell script slow.filter to run a slow filter on each file in a print request in turn. slow.filter reads the filter to be used from the environment variable FILTER. The name of the filtered output file is created from prefix and the position of the input file in the list of files (1, 2, ...). For the kth file in the list of files, the filter creates an output file named prefix-k.

slow.filter sends its diagnostic messages to the standard error for the print service to pass onto the user. The print request is canceled if slow.filter writes anything to the standard error, or the called filter returns a non-zero exit value.

text2post is a filter which converts ASCII on its standard input to PostScript® on its standard output. The environment variable IPFILTER must be set to the name of a suitable filter to preprocess the input (for example, the setting IPFILTER=/bin/cat would perform no preprocessing). The environment variable MODE sets one of the following printing modes:


two pages on one sheet as landscape

portrait; the default if MODE is not set

When text2post is called with the -fn fontfile option, you can use your own PostScript font. If the locale(C) is set to ISO8859-15, the PostScript file is used.

The output PostScript has the following format:

%% The ISO 8859 character set from the file
%% /usr/spool/lp/bin/
%% The PostScript prologue for MODE
%% The ASCII input after being filtered by
%% IPFILTER, and text2post according to MODE


full pathname of slow.filter

full pathname of text2post

full pathname of

full pathname of

See also

lp(C),, lpadmin(ADM), lpfilter(ADM), standard(ADM)

Standards conformance

slow.filter and text2post are not part of any currently supported standard; they are an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005