
dlpid -- DLPI daemon




The dlpid daemon is called from the nd(ADM) network driver start/stop script. It links or unlinks each MDI (MAC Driver Interface) driver to the common DLPI (Data Link Provider Interface) module using I_PLINK STREAMS ioctls.

The DLPI module provides common media-independent services:

The MDI drivers are specific to network adapter types; they simply pass STREAMS message blocks between the DLPI module and the adapter, queuing frames before transmission if the hardware is busy.

The dlpid daemon is started in the background by /etc/nd start and remains active while the system is in multiuser mode. dlpid opens the DLPI and MDI device files, and keeps them linked and ready for protocol stack use.

See also

llipathmap(ADM), nd(ADM), streamio(M)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005