
classconf -- register SCOadmin object classes


classconf -a|-A [-v ver] vendor class osa
classconf -d|-D [-v ver] vendor class osa
classconf -l [-v ver]


classconf manages the registration and configuration of SCOadmin classes as implemented by object service agents (OSA)s. A class may be added and deleted. All the currently registered classes may be listed. classconf is typically used by installation scripts for software components that provide classes via OSAs but may be used for system administration purposes.


The following options are supported:

add a SCOadmin class.

add a SCOadmin class. Replace existing definitions without error.

remove a SCOadmin class.

remove a SCOadmin class without generating errors if the class does not exist.

list all SCOadmin classes currently registered.

-v ver
optionally specify a version with this class. Users of a class may request a specific version.

vendor string. The vendor string partitions the set of classes so that multiple vendors need not worry about name conflicts.

class name

the OSA that implements this class.

See also

osaconf(ADM), Object(TCL_ADM).
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005